We buy rental properties from existing landlords for all sorts of reasons. Some are just retiring like this Mr Love. But others have decided to sell their rentals because being a landlord really isn’t their strong suit.
We buy rental properties in any condition throughout the St Louis MO area including Jefferson county and St Charles county.
“How Did You Find Faster House?
I’m not certain if it was a mailer that I got, or if you can do that, I’m not sure because I saved them. About two years ago I knew that I was gonna be in the market for selling this house I just had to wait for the right moment because it had a good renter in there and I didn’t want to sell it out from under him. And I started collecting those, those cards and I just put them in a stack and whenever the time came which was about the first week of January. I noticed that both sides would be vacant by February 1st or something like that.
And I said now is the time, so I got those cards out and I started making phone calls. And Corey was the first one to respond out of all of them on my phone. And he was very anxious to see the property and we went out the next day and I met him the next day.
I didn’t get any pressure, he wanted to see the place, he wanted to walk around it and go through it. I told him what I knew about it.
Again, one of these places, one of these apartments, I hadn’t been in myself in probably eight years. Because this man lived in it and never called or needed anything. If he did, he would fix it and call me to tell me he fixed it and he would send me the parts bill and I’d pay him. Twenty-one years he was in there, so that was the reason I wasn’t gonna sell it up from under him. I hadn’t even been in the garage, so I didn’t have any idea what to expect and he got it all cleaned up, not all, but he got it cleaned out to where it was acceptable.
Corey walked through there and he asked questions and I told him what I had expected. I knew that the house needed work. If it hadn’t needed the work, I would have just turned around and rented it and probably turned it over to a management company.
But it needed work and I didn’t want to do the work and deal with things that I hadn’t in so long. My wife and I are both retired and we travel, so it’s nice to have it gone.
I told him what I was looking for and I knew what the expenses would be to put it back in top shape or market level. He called me a couple of days later and said they were still working on it and he got men in there to work on it.
“Why Did You Sell To FasterHouse?”
Finally, he texted me and he said we can make your numbers work. And I dealt with rental properties during a house flood myself so I know a lot. And the first thing I asked him was are you trying to tie this house up for two weeks so you can find a buyer? And he said no, we’re gonna buy.
I asked that question to other people and they were very evasive and they didn’t want to talk about it. And that’s what I thought was going on with the other people so whenever I had two more offers on my house and I thought Nah, I liked the way Corey did this and how he answered back the question that I had asked him.
So, when it came down to it, I said hey let’s take a chance all that it could cost me is two weeks, you know if he doesn’t do what he says he’s gonna do. And he’s been in touch with me any time there have been keys needed to get in, I’d put a lock box on the door, so he worked with me and I worked with him on that.
Then the phone calls started with Laurel and then Laura and then Lauren and I had to write the names down and what we talked about so I didn’t get them confused.
And right until this morning when I left the house, I thought it’s been too easy. You know, so far this has been too easy I’m expecting a hiccup, what is it gonna be? And right now, the only hiccup is if that check doesn’t make it to the bank sometime today.
But no, I have had a very pleasant experience. And I know a lady right now whose mother, they took her out of her house and put her in a nursing home.
And they sent one of our friends to clean the house and she said she got sick and left and she’s not gonna be there. And so I don’t know what they’re gonna go with this place, its over in a nice area. I thought first thing if this transaction goes well, I’m gonna call this lady and say you know what you’re gonna go thorough straightening that house up, why don’t you give it to someone else? Then I’ll call Corey.
So, I would highly recommend if anyone tells me or asks me how to sell a property or how to buy one, from your website it appears you have some for sale too. So, I thought if this goes nicely and very seamless, the whole transaction, I’ll be glad to give your recommendation and if someone wants to talk to me about it, I’d be glad to do that too.”
Do You Have a Rental Property To Sell Fast?
Whether your rental property is vacant or occupied with a tenant(s), we will buy for cash. We have the experience in handling problem tenants and we buy rentals in any condition.
If you have a property in the greater St Louis metro area give us a call (314) 926-0660 for a no obligation offer.
We make the process very simple for you. Contact us, then we will come out to see the property and do our own inspections. Then if we agree on a price, everything will be handled for you.
We can close when you would like whether its fast or several months later. You decide!
Give us a call (314) 926-0660 or use the contact form to tell us more about your property.