Downsizing your home

Downsizing your mansionThe expression “bigger is better” doesn’t always apply to home ownership. While many people dream of sprawling mansions with 20 rooms situated on several acres of land, there are several reasons that homeowners today are downsizing. If you are downsizing your home for any of the reasons listed below, FasterHouse can help.

For some people, downsizing your home is a choice driven by their children moving out of the home. When raising a family, you need a more spacious home for your children to play and for everyone to enjoy their own space. But once your children have left for college or to start their own families, all that additional space may not only be unneeded, it may be unwanted as well. After all, the larger your home is the more work it takes to maintain the interior and exterior, and the more it costs for utilities like heating, cooling, and water. And avoiding things like lawn maintenance – or at least reducing it – can be a major positive as well. After all, no one looks forward to mowing the lawn.

You may also find that downsizing your home is a necessity rather than a choice. If you have lost your job and do not have an immediate opportunity, or have a new opportunity but not at the same salary, you may need to sell your current home in favor of a smaller one or a rental home. In this case, a simple matter of economics makes the decision to downsize for you. It will simply not make sound fiscal sense to continue living in a home that does not align with your current income level.

Regardless of what the reason is that you find yourself needing to downsize your home, FasterHouse can make the process a much simpler one than you might imagine. If you are downsizing your home, there is a good chance that you will be looking to do so as quickly as possible. For example, if you are downsizing due to economic reasons like a reduction in income, you certainly do not want to pay your old mortgage any longer than you have to.

This is where our process of buying homes on an as-is basis proves especially valuable. Rather than wait months to get your home ready to be listed with an agent, then for the right buyer to come along, and then for closing, we solve your home-selling needs in just a matter of weeks.

We’ll buy your home as-is based on an inspection of the property during our consultation. There’ll be no negotiations around repairs or cosmetic improvements. You won’t need to worry about staging your home. We visit your home, and using our vast knowledge of the local housing market in your area, we make our best offer. If you accept, we can leverage our contacts with area title companies to move the closing process along. The end result? You get the cash you need to pay for a new home, whether that is a down payment on a new house or a security deposit on a rental property. And you will get it quickly – just a fraction of the time it would generally take to get paid when selling your home through a real estate agent.

If you have made the decision to downsize your home, or you are simply considering whether it is a step you will need to take, we suggest you call us today. Our friendly staff has been helping customers in the same situation you are in throughout St. Louis, St. Charles, and the surrounding areas for years. We can answer any and every question you have about our process so that you can make an educated, informed decision about what to do next.

Downsizing your home is never an easy decision. It represents an important life choice that will have lasting impact, and depending on your reasons for doing it might be something that you view either positively or negatively, But once you have made it, we at FasterHouse can make the process easy so that you can move forward with cash in hand. Get started today by filling out this form, or give us a call at (314) 926-0660.

Your Next Chapter Starts Here

Sell your home as-is in any condition and close on your timeline. Give us a call at (314) 926-0660 or fill out our form to get started.