When your kids fly away from home, you’ll find yourself not just with a substantially reduced grocery budget, but also with extra space in your home. Instead of leaving this space empty, transform it into a paradise that fits your distinctive desires. Create a customized space that suits your individual needs and provides you with the little luxuries you’ve always wanted and definitely deserve.

Zombie Apocalypse Bunker

When the undead rise and roam the earth, you will be exceptionally grateful that you dedicated a chunk of your abode to preparing for this inevitability. Fill this room with MREs and water. Line the walls with Daryl Dixon-inspired crossbows. To ensure that the room can stand up to a throng of wall-pounding zombies, reinforce the walls with steel and add at least a dozen locks to the door. After all, these deadbolts could be the only thing standing between your apocalyptic paradise and the oh-so-hungry undead.

Actual Man Cave

Lots of people have basements with second-hand couches and TVs they’ve retired from their living rooms that they have the gall to call a “man cave.” This is quite a misnomer. If you are truly serious about manly relaxation, creating an actual man cave is your only real option. Start taking hikes and gathering rocks. Use these to line your wall, giving your space the cozy, cave-like space you desire. If you’re good with pets, add some living elements, purchasing a family or two of bats to hang in the corner while you enjoy your favorite sporting event.

Indoor Kiddie Pool

Nothing proves quite as relaxing as a dip in a pool. Don’t think that just because you don’t have a mansion, you can’t have an indoor pool. Take whatever space you do have and add a permanent kiddie pool. Fill this water feature with water and some water toys. If you prefer the beach to a pool, you can add some sand, a potted palm tree and a heat lamp mounted in the corner to stand in for the ever-present sun.

Unused Bowflex Room

Don’t hide in your basement the Bowflex that you bought on a whim late one night. You might not ever use it, but no one has to know this. Create a room dedicated to this impressive piece of exercise equipment. Use the machine as inspiration for the overall design. If your exercise equipment features a racy red stripe down the side, echo this hue in your space to make it look put together and give it the appearance of a space you’ll actually use.

Towel Warming Room

Using room-temperature towels is for peasants. While you could buy a little towel warmer and place it in your bathroom, why bother when you have extra space? Transform your child’s room into a towel-warming sauna. All you need to do is re-route your heating so you can keep this room at a toasty 105 degrees. Load it with towels and you’ll be toweling off like the royal you are.

In-house Starbucks

You’ve lived through the arduous task of raising a child or two. Reward yourself with the installation of an in-home coffee bar. You will no longer have to meander down to the kitchen and fight with a coffee maker. Just install a state-of-the-art coffee bar and hire a barista to staff it from 9-9 daily. As you sip a toasty and fresh caramel macchiato at home, you’ll find the hiring of help to be more than worth it.

Do any of these stellar suggestions fit your needs? If not, you could always just skip the construction and remodeling, sell your oversized home, and a buy a cozy new nest that is perfectly built for two. As an added bonus, you’ll likely make a bunch of cash in the process. If this sounds good to you please call us at 314-926-0660 or fill out this form

Your Next Chapter Starts Here

Sell your home as-is in any condition and close on your timeline. Give us a call at (314) 926-0660 or fill out our form to get started.