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Seller Resources2024-03-17T22:31:12-05:00

Seller Resources

3012, 2015

Why the Decision to Sell Your Home is an Example of Generosity

In the wildly popular television series Friends, Monica and Ross’ parents decided to sell their old house without telling them. This made the siblings furious, until they found out why it was on the market. Mr. and Mrs. Geller wanted another family to have a shot in life in the same home they came to love.  With this understanding, Monica and ...

1712, 2015

Sell House As-Is To Professional Home Buyer

Receiving the news that your mother has Alzheimer’s can be life altering for a family. Many decisions have to be made about how long she can continue to live independently and care for herself and if she can manage her own daily tasks.  Making these tough decisions when emotions are running high really compounds the issue. One of FasterHouse's St ...

312, 2015

Four Gift Ideas for Seniors

Having a hard time selecting a gift for mom or dad?   When you get to a certain stage in life, it can be difficult for someone to buy you gifts.  Does dad really need another tie or more tools?  Does mom really need another kitchen gadget or more jewelry? Perhaps giving them something practical and useful is the right choice.  ...

1611, 2015

Tools For Seniors

Technology tools aren’t just for the young.   Many of today’s retired adults spent part of their career working with computers, so using technology in their personal life is welcomed, as long as the resources are useful and relatively easy to use. Technology can help people feel more connected to their loved ones, even when they can’t go out, can assist ...

311, 2015

Kids Left For College? Just Think What You Can Do Empty Nester

When your kids fly away from home, you’ll find yourself not just with a substantially reduced grocery budget, but also with extra space in your home. Instead of leaving this space empty, transform it into a paradise that fits your distinctive desires. Create a customized space that suits your individual needs and provides you with the little luxuries you’ve always wanted ...

1910, 2015

Living Trust vs Will

Deciding how to handle your estate is important. Most people want to make sure their loved ones are cared for and their hard-earned assets are distributed in the way they prefer.  What is the best way to do that?  Should you set up a will or a trust?  Perhaps some basic information will help you sort out your options as ...

Your Next Chapter Starts Here

Sell your home as-is in any condition and close on your timeline. Give us a call at (314) 926-0660 or fill out our form to get started.